Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Oak Park Library Sunday April 13 at 2 PM

Dear Poets,

Looking for something to do this Sunday?  Want an afternoon of poetry?  Why not come out to the Oak Brook Public Library to hear some great poets read their stuff.

ISPS is sponsoring a Juried Poetry Reading this Sunday, April 13, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. at the Oak Brook Library, 600 Oak Brook Road, Oak Brook, 60523. A total of 17 readers will be reading.

The readers include: Joan Colby, Bill Marr, Jenene Ravesloot, Tom Roby, Curt Vevang, Debby Rohde, Pam Larson, Nancy Schaefer, Beth Staas, Judith Tullis, Joe Glaser, Marilyn Giese, Gary Ketchum, Dan Miller, Wendy Morris, Caroline Johnson, and Carolyn Hellman.

We are hoping to provide some light refreshments.  There will be time before and after for some socializing...Also, the room seats 100, so feel free to bring family and friends.  If you are bringing some people, please e-mail me at  The librarian wants us to have some kind of tally.

Caroline Johnson

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Poetry Workshop with Tom Roby and Jenene Ravesloot

Today I attended the poetry workshop of Tom Roby and Jenene Ravesloot. It was amazing! There were several people who have written poetry for a while and also some complete newcomers. We used the hub and spoke method of putting ideas down. We freewrote for as long as we needed while Tom and Jenene walked around helping us. Then we tried to discern what the words were trying to tell us, with more advice from Tom and Jenene. I highly recommend you attend their next workshop on April 12, 2014 at the Sulzer Public Library from 1 to 3 PM. It's 4455 N. Lincoln Avenue and I learned today that the parking meters stop north of Montrose. Free on the street parking! Woot! How often does that happen? There is a good Pub on the corner on Montrose and Lincoln also. I had a good brunch with lots of interesting people to write about.